Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tiny Potatoes, Tomatoes, and Asparagus...Oh My!

Sauteed Asparagus Spears
  • asparagus spears (raw or frozen)
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • salt and pepper to taste

Asparagus is awesome.  My preferred way of cooking and eating it is grilled, but I don't have a grill (alas), so a quick sauté on the stove is what I went with.  All you need to do is mince the garlic and add it to the olive oil in a medium-sized pan.  Once the oil is hot, drop in your asparagus spears and sauté away.  Don't overcook it though; you don't want it to be weak and sad asparagus.  Make sure the color is a nice green when you're done.  When it's cooked too long, it loses its color as well as its nutrients.  Also,  it should still have some crispness to it.  

I paired up the asparagus with some adorable tiny potatoes I bought at Trader Joes, mixed them up with some tomatoes, and I came up with this pretty tasty side dish.

Tiny Potatoes and Tomatoes in Olive Oil

  • 1 small bag of teeny tiny potatoes
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
  • salt and pepper to taste

While shopping at Trader Joes, I came across a bag of these adorable, tiny potatoes.  I had to have them right away!  I love potatoes (hello, I'm Irish), but I had no clue what to do with ones this small.  I decided a good way to eat them would be with some cherry tomatoes.  This was a good, delicious decision.  Just mince the garlic, adding it in a pan with some olive oil.  Sprinkle in some salt and pepper. Next, add the potatoes and cook until tender.  I overcooked these a bit.  Oops.  (Don't talk on the phone and cook at the same time to avoid doing this).   While the potatoes are cooking in the pan, cut the tomatoes into halves and set aside. Once the potatoes are tender, turn off the heat and add the cut tomatoes.  Toss together with the Italian seasonings and serve.  As a side note, I have a strong feeling this side dish would be quite decent cold too.  If I didn't eat the whole darn thing, I would have put some in the refrigerator to chill.  Another time.  


  1. Just got some tiny potatoes! Can't wait to cook them. No chopping required = lazy bliss.

  2. i think i totally found my post gym dinner tonight!

    also, this one cracked me up. i could picture you saying the whole post. A-dorable.

