Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Big Hug Baked Cinnamon Sweet Potato

Big Hug Baked Cinnamon Sweet Potato

  • 1 sweet potato
  • 1 teaspoon Earth Balance
  • cinnamon

More potatoes!  This time I went with the always awesome and delicious sweet potato.  This one's like a big hug because it's fulfilling, nutritious, and can quickly warm you up on a cold, winter weekday.  It's your choice if you want to bake it in the oven or microwave.  I prefer to bake potatoes in the oven (crispier), but when you need a potato, and you need it now, sometimes you have to forgo the oven for a day.  I microwaved this little guy, added some Earth Balance (vegan butter), and sprinkled some cinnamon on top.  Simple. Sweet. Savory. Satisfying.


  1. I always end up microwaving my sweet potatoes even though I love them baked. I'm just too impatient! I sprinkle some ground cumin and coriander on mine. It's amazing.

  2. that sounds wonderful! i will definitely try the cumin/coriander action!
